Bully Stop: All About Bullies and Bullying
Welcome . This page will only deal with Bullies and issues related to bullying. It will appear every other month.
Who is a Verbal Bully and What is their Danger?
"Talk is cheap" "loose lips sink ships" "don't let your mouth get you in trouble" are expressions that most people have heard or used; however word have meaning and consequences depending on their use and intent. Bullies sometimes use words to achieve their purpose. A bully may be defined as follows:
Any person (male of female) who is aggressive to weaker or subordinate individuals with the intent to harass, malign, frighten, belittle, abuse, rule, manipulate, or control that individual for gain, amusement, or favor.
Bullies fall into several types, categories, and methods. The form of bullying that a bully uses often depends on his intention and the tools at his disposal. One of the more common forms of bullying is verbal. It is one that requires no special tools, is available by mouth with piercing words, and can cause havoc and wreck lives when used with hatred.
. Verbal Bullies
Although there are several categories of bullying, there are fewer forms of bullying. A form of bullying is the way a bully attacks you. Forms of bullying includes physical, verbal, revenge,cyber, and a few others. Of the various forms of bullying, the most common is called verbal bullying.
What is Verbal Bullying?
Verbal bullying is the use of language or words with the intent to insult, taunt, embarrass or belittle another individual with the desired purpose to shame or hurt the other party.
There are several types of verbal bullying. Below are some examples:
1. Threats-A verbal promise to injure or do harms
2. Taunting-"you and my pet pig has something in common-your face"
3. Name calling-"fat ugly crybaby"
4. Mocking-imitating persons with speech impairments
5. Gossip-"Charlie's dad lost his job, Charlie homeless"
6. Rumor - "I heard cheer leader Shirley has an STD"
7. Racial-racial insults and demeaning comments
8. Sexual-Telling filthy or inappropriate sexual jokes
9. Lying-deliberately speaking incorrectly to create problems for another
Verbal bullying is cruel, negative, and offensive. It can be extremely dangerous to sensitive, unstable or weak minded individuals. In some unfortunate cases students have resorted to self inflictions, even loss of life from tormenting suggestions, and daily harassment of verbal bullying.
Next Cyber Bullies
Bully warnings are called Bully Alert and Bully Emergency. Bully alert is a trend of tactics used by bullies. It is a warning of things to watch. Bully Emergency indicates a clear and present danger. It is an urgent situation in which teachers, parents, and others should take immediate action to prevent or avoid serious student injury. Bully emergency suggest serious danger or possible lost of life. Be aware and take appropriate action.
Warning: Bully Emergency
Emergency: Food allergy has produced another form of bullying called,"Food Bullying." Some extremely cruel bullies are placing peanuts in the path of allergic students. They are placing peanuts in lunch boxes,desk,gym lockers,cafeteria trays or any place they can to get an reaction from allergic students. Peanut allergy may put life in jeopardy.