I-AERI is Clemtec's signature process of applying innovative discipline strategies to behavior, and advance student learning and correct behavior.
Why use I-AERI Strategies: Today's teachers have enough to do without having to ask Johnnie to "sit down, behave, stop talking, pay attention,or worst disrupting the learning process". If Johnnie is engaged in the lesson and motivated to learn --you don't have that problem--that what Clemtec's I-AERI system will do for you. We solve classroom problems so teachers can do what they do best-TEACH.
Clemtec will:
* 1. Investigate the causes of disruptions and behavior
There are causes and reasons for students' misbehavior or acting out
* 2. Analyze discipline and behavior needs and stated objectives
. We analyze your discipline and behavior needs through observation, data,environment,application and interviews
* 3. Evaluate and design customized strategies and solutions and to solve specific problems
. We design behavior strategies to directly address your classroom issues and students needs with problem analysis,resolution evaluations, recommended actions,solutions advancement, error projections, and time line implementations
* 4. Recommend behavior solutions and communication techniques for teachers and students
We provide behavior strategies to teachers for disruptive students, and suggestions for parents. Teachers and students experience an extremely high success rate when our recommendations are followed and implemented.
* 5. Implement problem prevention strategies, effective innovations, and success solutions
We implement in partnership with teachers and sometime parents,behavior strategies, evaluations,goals, and timely adjustment in strategies if ever needed.
Teacher Benefits of the I-AERI Behavior System
1. Identify Environmental conditions that foster potential behavior problems
2. Alter unstable learning conditions to stable or controlled
3. Eliminate reoccurring behavior issues or problems
4. Redirect negative attitudes and actions
5. Improve student-teacher communications
6. Teach students self behavior skills and benefits of attitude change
7. Re-evaluate students learning style for maximum effect and success
I-AERI Helps
I-AERI provides teachers behavior strategies,
helps students overcome behavior problems,
help Schools with discipline goals
encourage students to graduate
provides 21st century leadership.