Making a Difference in Children Lives
Developing Academic Potentials
Interactive Reminders of Discipline
Teacher Discipline Interactions
1. Talk with your colleagues about how they handle discipline or student behavior
2. Invite parents of disrupting students as classroom observer where possible
3. Check students reading ability-poor readers sometime act out to hide limitations
4. Check to see if student is disruptive for attention or is it a cry for help
5. Have serious one on one discussions with students whose conduct is extreme
6. Determine if students personal or domestics issues contribute to their behavior
7. Remind students of their importance and classroom behavior
8. Make sure your action is for discipline and correction and not punishment
9. Always keep discipline in perspective, corrective behavior is the goal
10. Never have isolated discipline discussions, if a student is violent
a. Review Clemtec's "7 Key Mistakes Teachers Make in Discipline"
b. Review discipline strategies with a colleague
c. Involve parents early about disruptive students
d. Review reasons disruptions occurs in your classes
e. Teach students disruption is unacceptable and has consequences
f. Confront undisciplined students, be firm, fair, calm and constructive
g. Set limits, apply consequences that work to correct discipline issues
h. Keep an accurate record of behavior and all attempts at correction
I. Review your school's policies, rules and regulations,city ordinances
J. Keep detailed records of your actions, parental contact, and supervisor updates
k. Update your administration and supervisor as needed
l. Review weekly what worked or did not work in your classroom.
m. Keep all lines of communication open to all parties
The Environment
Environment is important in classrooms. Misbehavior stops learning, but skilled teachers redirects unwanted behavior and education thrives.
Teachers Make A Difference
A child's need is our priority®
" Education will teach you how to think and apply the tools of life for a successful future. Anything short of that is called educational failure."
-Dr. J T Clemons